We offer aviation education and career counseling services to students. Our consulting services are available to all. You do not need to be enrolled at Giving Kids Wings in order to take advantage of our expertise in this area.
Navigating the complexities of federal codes and licensing requirements can feel intimidating. Learning about different aviation job options, and understanding what education is needed to pursue a given career, can likewise seem overwhelming.
We have many years of experience in these matters, and a passion for the wellbeing of teens. In consulting (as in all our services) we are committed to putting the student first.
Whether the best path leads your teen toward or away from Giving Kids Wings Flight Academy, we supply you with our best, honest counsel. We help students and families to clarify their own goals and to understand the aviation landscape so they can make smart, empowered choices for themselves.
We are proud to offer eighteen years of experience. We have worked with twelve schools in this time and possess an extensive, professional, aviation education network that is without parallel. Let us start working together today to Give Kids Wings!
Would your district, school or educational program like to create a program in aviation flight, maintenance, or air traffic control? Does your program already exist, and you want to take it to the next level?
Giving Kids Wings Flight Academy believes in spreading the enriching opportunities of aviation education. To modify an old saying, we believe a rising wind lifts all wings. We want to help other academic institutions build their own aviation programs, because we believe everyone wins – especially our young adults.
Giving Kids Wings Flight Academy
21143 Hawthorne Boulevard, #203, Torrance, California 90503, United States